Saturday, October 6, 2018

Transponder Key Issues & How to Resolve Them

If you’re key allows you to start your engine and open your car door and trunk, this is known as a transponder key. Many newer model vehicles require a transponder key. This type of key offers you the modern conveniences that a typical key does not have to offer to you. You will also be able to open up your trunk and with some transponder keys, set your car alarm. Motorists can do all of this without placing their key in the car door. When you aim the key toward your car, these functionalities will occur. There is a chip in each transponder key. The chip is programmed to communicate with a centralized computer. When the computer picks up the signal of your transponder key, it will enable your cars engine start. Most people use a transponder key but not everyone realizes that this is what they are using to access their car. Since so many people have this type of key, it only makes sense that locksmiths familiarize themselves with the design of them and learn how to program them. At Locksmith Tucker LLC in Tucker, GA, we are capable of handling your transponder key needs. While this type of key offers many benefits to those who use them, they do come at a greater cost than a standard key. With anything, there are advantages and disadvantages. That is no different with a transponder key.

Our locksmiths often realize how quickly a problem can escalate when a motorists doesn’t have spare key. This is why we always encourage those who use a transponder key to always have a spare key. In many cases you can get your dealership to throw in a free transponder key when you are considering buying a new car. Most sales persons will actually offer another key as an incentive. If they don’t offer you a transponder key as part of their incentive to get you to buy a new car, ask them for it. Having a spare key will save you a lot of time and frustration if you should ever lose your key or if the key begins giving you problems. While you could wait around for someone to come and reprogram your existing key, it might be easier simply to have one that you can have someone bring to you. To have another transponder key made can be a lot more expensive than you might think. Most of them cost approximately $100 per key. This is one of the reasons our locksmiths encourage you to give serious consideration to having a spare transponder key. It will likely be less expensive than having a new transponder key made and programmed.

Whether your key has been lost or stolen it could still result in your car being stolen. It isn’t easy for a thief to break into your car when you use a transponder key, however, if they get their hands on your key, they will have no problem. All they need is the actual key to take off in your car. Someone might steal your keys or you could drop them accidentally. When your keys fall in the hands of the wrong person, you could end up calling the police department giving them a description of your car.

Loss of a Transponder Key

A transponder key is designed with a lot of planning and consideration. They are considered high-end devices due to the mechanisms used to make them. You should always know what to do if you should happen to lose your key. Again, a standard key is not difficult to have made but a transponder key is a different story. With a standard key all you need to do is go to the nearest hardware store to have your key cut. It’s really just that simple. A transponder key isn’t that simple.

Read more on: Transponder Key Issues & How to Resolve Them

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