Saturday, June 1, 2019

Politicians Want to Put Combination Locks on Pill Bottles to Fight Opioid Epidemic


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Two Tennessee legislators are proposing a new policy that would put combination locks on pill bottles. The lawmakers say that pill bottles containing opioids are too easy to open, thus making them easier to steal. It is likely, however, that opiate pills are sold voluntarily far more often than they are stolen.

The Pilfering Prevention Act, introduced by Senator Richard Briggs and Representative Matthew Hill, would make the new combination lock pill bottles mandatory in the state of Tennessee.

Senator Richard Briggs claims that citizens of his state are accidentally overdosing because they don’t know how powerful the drugs are:

"Too often well-meaning Tennesseans are completely unaware of the highly addictive, and potentially lethal, prescriptions drugs sitting in the family medicine cabinet. This is where drug addiction starts, and often where accidental overdoses occur..."

Read more on: Politicians Want to Put Combination Locks on Pill Bottles to Fight Opioid Epidemic

Related Article: Use your 4 digit combination lock correctly

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